Tuesday 25 November 2014

Potential real life The Transporter

Spend that 45 €.
What you will get is an Italian driver in a suit , receiving you in the arrival hall of the aeroporto. 
He won't ask you " What took you so long ? " but will tactfully rephrase it as 
"Baggage problem Madam ? " 
He might not be as young nor look like
Zayn Malik, in fact he might resemble a teacher / headmaster but that's ok because he will...  
be business like in his approach, keep his Etna temper in check, won't leave a trail of B.O. in his wake, plus if your partner farts, he won't wind down the windows nor turn and give you a Flying Spaghetti Monster stare.
Follow that modern day gladiator taking me to my  chariot.....

....which turns out to be a Mercedes MPV.
Er, I've watched too many movies and somehow um, the word Mafiaso pops up ( I'm sorry I can't help it ! )
Nah, too clean and shiny for lynching . 

I stay awfully still and quiet in case he's " connected ".
Irrational fear, I know .
It's a smooth drive, he's not maniac on the road, the scenery opens up and then The Transporter starts to speak.

" deeeesss eeeesss der Rhomen Baaafff "

He's actually giving us an impromptu short tour , by pointing out the various Roman sights in the package .
Proud of his city. Nice ! 
Tried my best to keep up . Some attractions had names 2 sentences long. One sentence maybe but 2 sentences said in slow motion, mindbuster.

If there was a jam, he coolly found his way around it. He knows the streets like the back of his hand. 
Which is how we ended up here. In an off street location.
You'll need him if your hotel is in one of these places. 
They all look the same at first ! 
He could potentially be a real life The Transporter .
Move over Jason Statham. 

Location : Rome 

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