Sunday 5 July 2015

The Fish Tauke with a heart of gold

Very heartwarming this. Happened just now as I was buying Ikan Kembung from a wetmarket in Penang. 

Malay lady : she's looking at the fishes. She's nicely dressed in sunglasses and tudung bawal. 

Fish tauke : " Aaaa....lima ringgit, lima ringgit jer kak "

Malay lady : I wasn't paying attention but she selected around 6 or 8 pcs and put them in a plastic basket

Malay man who was next to her : ( look don't ask me how they are connected but he asks the tauke )
" Kesian dia lar tauke. Dia dah takde kerja. Bagi kurang sikit lar "

Fish tauke : put all the fishes in a plastic bag and passed it to the Malay lady

Malay man : " Berapa tauke? " 

Fish tauke : he lifted his head up to signal that she could have it for free.

Malay man : broke into a wide smile before asking " Hah ? Takyeh ke tauke ? Betul ker ni ? "

Fish tauke : smiled . Did not speak but made the same head signal with a wave of his hand this time

Malay man : " Ok trima kasih tauke "

Malay lady : grinned broadly

The price of the fishes in the basket could not have been more than MYR 3.  But I was so impressed by his gesture that I am going to be his loyal customer from today onwards unless he does not have the species I am looking for. For your info, his prices are already low and that's why he attracts Malay customers. But he's a tauke with a heart of gold and he taught me something today.

Are we always obsessed with money ? We shouldn't because we cannot take it to the grave with us. And nobody knows what the future holds. 

Give to others irrelevant of colour and how they dress or if they have Astro or a mobile phone on their body. Some people only choose to give to those who have absolutely nothing even though those who are struggling from day to day will not have the bravado to ask for a little assistance.

You might just win a silent army of admirers who wish they had a fraction of your generosity to make another human have a nicer day.

And yes , that tauke is someone everyone smiles at .

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