Tuesday 1 October 2013

Another piece of paradise

Been to Terengganu 4 times in total and gulp, each time I fall deeper and deeper in love with the place . First trip was to Paka, second all the way up to Kota Baru ( that's in the state of Kelantan ) , third to Kijal and this time across to Redang.
And my gawd I love Redang. Like totally.

 Earlier trips was more cloistered, this time to be very frank , I discovered what charming menfolk they have in Terengganu. So easygoing,laidback and likeable. With an almost hypnotic dialect slang ( cakap nganu ) and chivalrous attitude,  most bachelorettes would find irresistible . Of course, I'm not available, but still, we'll dwelve into that subject much later, shall we ?
Lemme get some rest first and start on my posts bit by bit as they come.

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