Monday 21 April 2014

Back to Aksaray Tram Station. Forget Aksaray Metro surrounds.

Got scared half out of my wits tonight as I braved myself up and walked towards Historia Mall.
One older guy accosted me as I was approaching the Metro and he just wouldn't go until I stopped and walked the other way just to shake him off.
Then later at the pedestrian crossing as I was walking back, I noticed a taller fellow around my age group stuck to me again ( yes, so stupid, while I was at the lights for gawds sakes ) until I moved away from him, only to get winked and leered at by another younger guy flanking him. 
Aaarrrgghhh !!!!
Getting the hell out of here. 

Aiyo, and this is how I ended up here although the other side looked like it had much better options.
Funkar Doner.

If you look carefully on the left of this pic, there's another guy checking me out. Sigh. Either they think I'm real easy or I look like a zoo exhibit to them. 
But I'm not scared, cos I know the men on this side, where the tram station is , are not so hamsap

Was really tempted to order the roast chicken but in the end I settled for Adana kebab.

The only thing I liked about this meal.
The kebab. Only. 

Location : opposite the Aksaray Tram station 

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