Wednesday 6 June 2012

Chek Lap Kok Airport 2012

Terrible service and indignant crew aside, we land in one piece.

View from my window.

I mean I'm still kinda glum over the service metted out by the couldn't care less staff . Even though I should be excited, there's a sort of grey cloud hanging over my head.

Doesn't help that it looks hazy today.

Heading towards the immigration is a breeze. The signs are clear and easy to follow.

Just in case you find walking there impossible, you might want to consider taking an indoor vehicle in return for a fixed fee.

The personnel manning such vehicles are located next to the walking escalators.

We clear the immigration no time. So efficient even though there is a massive crowd.

Upon exiting, most Malaysian affiliated tour companies will require you to come to this waiting point. Very easy to spot.

Just look out for numbered pillars such as these.

We follow the tour guide towards our airport transfer.

In case, you're on your own, you might want to take note of this. Trains to the city are in this direction.

This exit is for bus transfers

So stylish eh ?

Everyone seems to walk with a purpose here, especially men in suits


Heading out of the airport, I wonder what purpose these pillars serve .

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