Wednesday 31 October 2012

Penang Bridge- 56th Pillar Horror

Just a few days ago, a car on its way to the mainland, overtook another, spun out of control and crashed killing 3 of its occupants on the spot.
While pillar number 56 lies in the direction from the mainland to the island, I can't help but think if it had anything to do with this horrible accident.

There have been many unexplained incidences attributed to this particular column, but most times it only affected anglers and fishermen down below at sea level.
This is probably the first time it has ' travelled upwards' and claimed lives.

There are differing tales too, as to why the pillar is said to be haunted. All incredibly scary. I will try to list them down.

Apparently there is a trapped 'being' who used the place as a kind of passageway and kind of got stuck in limbo once the pillar went in . The most chilling encounter  involved a group of fishermen who were sucked into what they initially thought was a whirpool except that it assumed the face of an old woman with mouth wide open. Said to be as large as an entire soccer field it not only scared the shit out of everyone, they've been avoiding the area like the plague ever since.

Others claim that 56 were lives were lost during the construction period and the Koreans had to call in a priest to control the raging spirits from disrupting work

While I don't have any spine chilling personal experiences in regards to the bridge *, I will try my best not to offend whatever is present there . These things do exist. They've been around longer than us.

* I do, but it's to do with the NSE towards Taiping. Let's keep it for another day.


Unknown said...

Regarding to the second story , my mum told me that , the priest told the Koreans to give children as sacrifice to control the raging spirits . And also that time , many children were gone missing and also they found headless corpses at the Penang bridge. I think that's why some of the anglers found head while their're fishing.

gostansikit said...

Interesting to note. I suppose there will be many more versions to come . Thank you for contributing.