Sunday 9 December 2012

First attempt at digital art

Saw Wan's walaueh artwork while flipping through my facebook last night.
( Jangan marah yer...hehe)
Ok, I wanna try it out too.
Fail, fail,fail like around 3/4/7 ??? times before I took a cuppa.
Don't know how to control, looked like I was drunk while drawing.
Time out went on for a while.
Started again and submitted this

What do you think ?
Pass or fail?
Should have spent more time, but I was afraid my computer would die on me, so faster, faster click and send.
It's very addictive.
If you'd like to try it out head on down to


Snuze said...

That does look like something Van Gogh would produce while he was a kindergartener, LOL.

OTOH, I can only draw bacteria, so totally po faced.


gostansikit said...

howling with laughter.I'd like to see a pic of your bacteria drawing if u don't mind.hehe