Tuesday 29 January 2013

How Many Penang Men does it take to Change A Flat Tyre ?

I'm probably going to get hate mail for this but I don't care .
This is too epic to ignore.
 From the amount of people there,
we thought someone had been seriously injured.

We were right, it was a case of tyre puncture .
Required a mechanic to get down to the ground and perform some on the spot resuscitation.

No.1 and 2 were discussing the eventuality of a fatality occuring.
No. 3 was engaging the social media.
No.4 was overseeing the operations.
No.5 was directing traffic
No.6 was " on the way "
No. 7 is the hands on guy.

 If you look carefully at the picture, 
there's even a baby buggy on the ground, 
waiting to wheel the injured patient away.
" CHEH !!!" 

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