Wednesday 12 June 2013

Starbucks - Pink Cold Cup

Launched in Malaysia in the run up to Mother's Day, I only discovered that this colour, even existed,  just today.
How Embarasssinggg !!
Reason ? People like me, used to plonk an entire raw egg into a nasty hot black cup of coffee, to cure our hangovers. But that was last time and this is me today. Nursing beans instead of hoppers. I'm learning, I'm learning.
The sweet barrista was going blah blah blah...chummy and stuff . However all her words were lost on me, as at that moment, all I could see was a pink stairway to heaven, right in front of my eyes.
As SP Allan would say..the pinkies were
" Memanggil " -ing me ( calling out to me )

Photo credit : Starbucks Malaysia
Better late than never ;)
Tips : this is the tricky part, some outlets have run out of stock. You just gotta hunt it down.


Spallan said...

"bawalah daku bersama mu....." hehehe

nikths said...

wow interesting.Lawa la..