Friday 4 October 2013

Blue diamonds in the sand

" There's Blue Sand in Redang ?" to tell you the truth, I was really intrigued. Really ? And so we set out to find it and see it with our own eyes.
As you can see, we were not alone. Others were busy hunting for it too. It took some time for my eyes to adjust before I finally spotted it .

Turns out that the blue sand is actually a bioluminescent male ostracod, who's looking for a one night stand ( ha ha or so to put it ). And you can only find it on Redang.
Wish I could show you how bright it sparkled for the 3 seconds it lasted in my hand. But it fizzled out before my camera could snap it. To give you an idea, it looks something like this bright light here below.
Tips : choose darker areas on the beach so you can see it much easier.

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