Friday 14 February 2014

Love in a mini

Fuji Instax polaroid cameras sell like hotcakes every Valentine. Almost every girl around the world wants one, and I'm no different from the roost.

The Pink ones and Hello Kitty's clear out so fast, if you're thinking of buying her one, oh let's say, just before your big date together, you can forget it. You'll be left with the ugh ones .

But most of the time, grown men don't 'get' why we lust after this clumsy looking little toyish little gizmo . Especially if you have a couple of ten times more expensive cameras gathering dust somewhere in the back of the cupboard.

So yes ! Today, he finally got the 'hint' I've been dropping since last year.

I love it, I love you.
Thanks my dear dear  :)

1 comment:

Snuze said...

So adorable! Good that your darling picked up the hint well enough.
