Sunday 25 May 2014

Just love my fb traveller updates

And we say thanks on this beautiful sunny Sunday.

So nice to see people on my facebook list going practically all over the world. Cheap fares, shared rooms, plush luxuries. Gotta love them all. I'm delighted by their updates, check ins and photos. It's as if I were there right next to them.

Some of them are really awesome. I like it most when they are upfront and totally honest about whether the experience was good or terrible. Anti tourism as it may seem but at least we are made aware of certain things in life travel agents and the net won't mention or consider too taboo to post up.

Though my fb friend list is embarassingly miniscule, terribly low to the point of being pathetic even , I find these little travel updates more interesting and real time than say....a travel programme. How big the room, how plush, how lousy even, what a bad/ good deal they got, boring or not . Amazing man....

To a certain extent, I do get upset when they get upset and have to admit, sometimes a little bit wishful that I was there to share the moment with them, in the restaurant, out in the sunny field/ beach, shopping with them. Fuh. Nice !
That's when I start planning for my next destination. Yeah ! Their updates make me wanna hop on the next flight to just abour....anywhere ! Lolz.

Thanks for letting me in on your travellers lives, I'm trying and learning to be just as open as you guys are.

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