Friday 7 November 2014

Small talk

Yeah, so these arrived yesterday in the mail and I went to yet another GSC outlet to try get tickets for Ouija, that huge Halloween blockbuster over in the US .

As I was queueing up, I noticed the sign flash across that this movie cost only RM8 per person.
By the time I reached the counter, I made some small talk with the nice Indian boy who was manning the booth.
" Wow, how come this ticket is so low priced compared to other movies ? "
He shrugged then added
" What you have here is a High Value voucher . Since it's valid till next year, why don't you keep it for a Blockbuster movie ? "
Aw, how nice of him to tell me that. He didn't really need to and I wouldn't have found out if I had not engaged him in a little banter. 
Guess this can be considered inside info. And if you're reading this, I'm sharing it with you too.

Bottomline is, it's a keeper. Use them wisely.

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