Thursday 23 April 2015

50 Year Calendar Keychain

Bitt DoubleIS is one gorgeous mum
who travels everywhere with her beautiful children and not have a hair out of place. Big sighhhh on my part. I seriously do not know how she does it. 

Seeing how she enjoyed Rome, got me digging this 50 year calendar keychain out .... which you guessed it, I bought from Rome last year.

You can actually buy this from alibaba or some online sites if you want, but since I didn't do that, it holds a special meaning in my heart. I still love the brick and mortar shops. Yep. 

And it really does work if you want to check what day it was or will be without using google. No computer programme needed. Your kids will be fascinated guaranteed !

Costs between €3 to €5 and available in many tourist souvenir shops throughout Rome and Istanbul too . In Istanbul, I spotted a batch at the Chora Church but The image of Saint Peter bore more importance at the time, so that's how I ended up getting this in Rome.
You should get yourself one too, if you haven't already. 
I'm still having fun with mine and best of all, it hasn't rusted or tarnished after months. 

Now that's the big difference between retailers here and overseas. And why some souvenirs cost more for the same item. So doesn't mean you got ripped off . What you pay is what you get. 
Take for example , the evil eye bracelet I bought from Istanbul for 5 times the regular price. At first I thought he was pulling my leg when I asked him why his cost so much more than others. But he was right. The glass grade is different and I'm still wearing it daily with no problem of fading nor breaking. 

1 comment:

ZaridaIshak said...

love it like it. hope me have it oneday...