Thursday 29 October 2015

His friend said ....

Kiddo : My friend's brother is a drug addict . He's in his late twenties doesn't help around the house , sleeps all day . Yesterday he hit him again . Been the third time this year . 

Muah : Whaaaattt ? Why did the brother do that to him ?  

Kiddo : He says he doesn't know what he's doing anymore . My friend was in the bathroom when he kicked the door open , and he ended up getting hurt in the stomach region . 

Muah : Where were his parents when that happened. Are they aware of what's going on ? 

Kiddo : Ya . His Dad says that if he does it again , he wants to report him to the police. But the mom " tak sanggup " she cannot do it so she won't he allow her husband to do that .

Muah : How on earth did the brother start doing drugs ? ? 

Kiddo : According to him , his brother was in KL for some months . Supposed to be studying but then he quit . Got caught up in drugs because of the company he was mixing with . Even went to jail once because he hit someone and the parents had to drive down to bail him out . Right now , he's an illegal tour guide

Muah : Well , that's probably because he didn't pass his tour guide exam. Shouldn't just write him off like that and label whatever he does in a negative light right ?

Kiddo : ( shrugs ) Anyway , he was in real pain and his parents , they just don't know what to do with him anymore. 

Muah : They need to send him into rehab. Right now he seems to be a danger to his family especially to that friend of yours .

Kiddo : Ya... that's not all . My friend is also disappointed as he was saving up to buy an instrument .But when he last checked his piggy bank , poof...hundreds gone. He thinks his brother took it .

Muah : My gawd . Please tell me how his mum is taking all this . Have you seen her before ?

Kiddo : I just saw her yesterday when she came to pick him up .  . She's the saddest looking person in the whole world .

Muah : ( long dejected sigh ) Well what are they ? Malay ? Chinese ? Indian ? 

Kiddo : His dad is European and mum is Chinese .

Muah : Geez , the Tiger Mum can only parent a child who is willing to bend for her , not the rebel at heart . 

Kiddo : Seems they also searched his room and found a small packet of white stuff. His mom went nuts after that . 

Muah : I cannot imagine what I would do. They really need to send him in . Could be a long process you know ? And they really need to be strong and show him a whole lot of love during this trying time. 

Kiddo : Well , I'm gonna make my schoolmate happy by telling him jokes so that he forgets about his problems. He says he wants to stay back longer in school because he doesn't want to go back home. 

Muah : That's a nice thing to do . Good on you . 

When things like this happen to other people's kids , I don't only listen . Sometimes I too end up feeling somewhat affected .

I may seem a tad over idealistic but I feel that whatever one has achieved out of life ; career , accumulating wealth , status , achievements , all that will be completely meaningless , if your loved ones ever hit rock bottom and you cannot do anything to make life better for them . 

All of us have different values in life and me , and it shows when kiddo had this to say about us 

" You guys are different from the rest. Some of my friends never even talk to their parents the way we can to both of you " 

While I take that as my first compliment of course it would have been impossible without hubs . Kids need 2 to parent in order to balance the scales and hopefully impart the same values onto the next generation , no matter how liberal it may seem to outsiders right now.

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