Wednesday 11 November 2015

7 eleven One Ringgit deal - the shoppers and their haul

If not for that Siakap Keli facebook page , this deal would not have gone viral from Grik to Balik Pulau . 

And while the picture below was taken in jest , I won't be surprised that we will see some er ,decidedly brutal WWE action come Week 2 by those who missed out on Week 1's action .

Ah yes , this is why I like the brick and mortar shops . Nothing like a close brush with another human being intent on the same target. 
I'm kidding. 

I love all the selfies they shared .
His shirt means Antidote or Cure in Malay and boy is he right. 

Feel his sense of achievement lol .

or how great it feels to be engulfed by your purchase till you need to tease others over facebook .

Shoppers from sleepy hollows had time to do this . In another busier town , those items would have found new owners by the time he turns around .

See , gal like her knows that the safest place to show off , is when you have reached home ! 

The Carton Carrier Look was all the rage last night . 

Men shopped like Big Taukeys .
I see something precious and blue in the middle lol.

Women shopped like Datins .
No more Ahmad Maslan cooking for half a month haha 

Aight , thug pose in order since it felt as if we were participating in a simultaneous heist !

Buying wholesale meant having a ride to haul home The Loot in the car boot . 
Son as the jaga is a good idea Mum .

Car boot no. 2 

Third boot .

Fourth .
Spot the lone Kotex . 
This campaign is just brilliant. Single handedly created a huge want and lust for at least 4 products. 


Sixth .
Must have been chucked inside in a hurry and quickly shut haha. 

Of course , some came in vans the extent of emptying entire shelves ( and stores ! ) of 300 items in one go ! 
Last night , I personally witnessed a 4 man tag team, buying far more . In fact , the amount of sanitary pads they hoarded could probably see many of us women through menopause ! 

Unhappy ones took to the net to grumble over why certain stores limited each shopper to purchase just 3 items each ,while others did not, as you can see below .

If I bought this much , I don't think I would have the energy to start arranging them just for the camera

Me , I'll chuck them like this 

Ok , this is the clearest example of why you could not get what you wanted.
One purchaser hoarded this much. I'm guessing he probably owns a sundry shop so hey , if you want some , you just got to beat him to the store before he wipes out the shelves . Nicely of course . I hope. Yup. 

The following people bought a more reasonable amount and I like how they took time to restack them for the camera .

Nice eh ?

I like this one too .... well as this wall structure. 

While this wintermelon drink was not that high on everyone's hit list , this pic best shows how crowd mentality can change one's mind in a snap . 

Week 2 begins sharp after midnight.  If you wanna cart cartons , make sure you know the exact schedule, plan ahead,  get enough sleep and are fit enough by then folks .

Location : Malaysia 

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