Saturday 30 January 2016

Midnight disciple of the Ikan Bakar man

Some Penangites pop cili padi like kacang puteh .
We go for our fix after midnight at Song River Cafe . Strange timing right ? Not really when you check out how many disciples are willing to make a beeline here and wait with the patience of a saint just to pay homage to this fiendish dish .

The stall owner , he's a bit allergic to the camera but that's fine because he charges us a very privileged price just cos he likes to chit chat with hubba .

Somehow , our order got larger today , while the price seemed to shrink . As if we were paying him in Sing dollar .
Maybe he misses us lol .
Somehow incredible considering the fact that one tin of kueh kapek costs so much nowadays .

Turns out it we had a feast . After which I needed to get some yogurt before heading straight to the loo because I could pratically feel the build up . 

Why do we eat such torturous foods ?
Maybe it's a great way to detox .
Maybe we are closet sadists that like to feel the pain on our throbbing tongue with volcano spewing fire in our gut . Maybe we just like to shout 
" who's been farting ? " to the first to cave in . Maybe it makes us stronger . Not the gas , but the process of detoxing .

By the time we finish, it's past midnight. He drops me off at a convenience store. I pick up the yogurt and rush to the payment counter .
One Indon lady in tudung with her Indian lady colleague behind the counter .
The indian man , a barbershop owner is crooning the Indon a Hindi Song as I'm trying to hold it all it and not poison everyone in the room .
All of a sudden , he takes a breather and opens the can of Tiger . Oh there's gas in the room all right but it don't belong to me. I stare at him in shock . He only has eyes for the Indon lady .
" You don't mind do you ? "
Huhu . The fella is drunk .
Would love to stay on since the Indian girl is giggling and the Indon is trying to act disinterested but I think she might pounce on him if he keeps it up .

Weird night it turned out to be.
 If only I didn't have to go so badly .

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