Wednesday 17 February 2016

BB8 drinking bottle - Major Cineplex

Got this rather large drinking bottle as part of a popcorn combo set  .

Nice eh ?

It's twice as tall as the R2D2 cereal container given by Nestle Breakfast Cereals , not to mention much larger than MBO Cinemas ( Malaysia ) Kungfu Panda 3 cup  . Big as a small football ! No. The head does not rotate. Instead it comes off and snaps back on very nicely .

Notice the slot to insert the straw . Still in my luggage . Too lazy to dig it out .
Plus there's hook on metal strap which I think can only be removed with pliers .

Costs 300 baht for the whole set ( show you later ) .
And while the movie merchandise in Thailand costs more due to our ringgit's decline , it is definitely worth it as I saw one small rubber ball replica in a market being sold for 150 baht .

Location : Bangkok 


Unknown said...

It's very nice. Thailand seems to have better premiums always, not available here. Their McD's toys are another good example. I'm still wondering why the Peanuts series were not made available here when Thailand and Singapore had them. But what can I expect when the McD staff didn't even know what Snoopy was when asked?

gostansikit said...

Sometimes I think it is the bosses that dig a hole for themselves. Always unwilling to conform or compromise and always looking to max profits at everybody's expense but theirs. That's how we get such cheapo lousy toys commisioned from China even though I have never even seen such terrible looking toys in China . And I am not talking about Mc D toys .
These heads are quick to blame others but keep hidden their extreme negotiation tactics. They could also provide better staff training but it is all about the bottom line . So even if a toy costs them 10 sen , they have the guts to sell it for $100 . Best part is some of us buy their bull about others being the cause of their predicament rather than they themselves wanting massive profits .