Showing posts with label men's fragrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label men's fragrance. Show all posts

Saturday 9 December 2017

Bad Lab - the fragrance women will love

The teenager in my home is a huge fan of Bad Lab products , he's got a corner dedicated to their shampoo , body wash and even face cleanser . Yes boys these days and their arsenal , it's a different world altogether . Their bathroom space vs your girls bathroom space , can possibly bring down the shelf while Dad's little soap sits in the dark corner whimpering away .

So anyway , the first time he used the Fearless shampoo , the instant he stepped out , I assumed a primitive cavewoman mode .
" What issssss thatttt ? Why does it smell soooo good ? "
He told me the brand 
" you actually smell soooo goooooood ! " I took many deep breathes and allowed my nose to follow the trail of scent before he closed the door on me . Hah !