Tuesday 12 June 2012

Butter Cuttle (PF)

While we were at the Avenue of the Stars, waiting for the world reknowned Symphony of Lights show to start, a most delicious smell filled the air .

We followed our noses and it led us like hungry moths towards this musical rolling orange flame. Cute cartoon !

We place our order with this chap who's trying very hard to keep his cool and look undisturbed

.....since my camera has gone out of control and is invading his private space .

I snap him when he's counting money .

Actually I wanted to snap a picture of the cuttlefish before and after.

Look at the two piles behind this toasting pan.

.....I document him toasting the wet ones between two hot plates

woohoo.....here he is packing the goodies

I stopped because I was getting the feeling that he wanted to roll me into that Samwoo machine and turn me into a by product already.

Verdict : delicious when piping hot , a bit on the sweet side. Tough and chewy but nice.

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