Tuesday 26 June 2012

Cats and dogs of Hong Kong

There is a marked difference when you walk the streets here.There is no dog poo anywhere for you to accidentally step on and there is absolutely no smell of dog pee.

The people here love their pets but they are responsible pet owners who fastidiously clean up after their mess.

This nice doggy was waiting outside a shop for his master to finish his grocery shopping.

They walk them in the streets but spray disinfectant and an odour remover on top of their puddle of pee.

Armed with disposable gloves and a plastic bag, their loving owners also pick up after their poop.

On the other hand, I was surprised to see many chinese people keeping cats here.

Since these creatures have a mind of their own, it is a different matter altogether.

This nice kitty kept his area clean but he did his business till the opposite side of the street smelt so incredibly nasty.

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