Friday 10 August 2012

3 Hours at Dubai International Airport - Part 1

If you trawl the internet for reviews, you'll find lots of horrible feedback from disgruntled visitors . Thus, we were already prepared for the worst upon arrival.

True. Directions weren't very clear.
Maybe it was the sight of these very attractive stroller pit stops, that distracted us.

But there was no sign of the horrendous queues one had to endure.

Which resulted in us having to make enquiries about our flight from this counter eventually.

On the contrary, no one was rude to us. They even helped identify our gate as well as time of departure.

Being here almost seems as if one has just entered the Phillipines because of the near total domination by a Filipino workforce.

Frankly they lag behind in terms of merchandise display especially when it comes to luxury items. Most times things are not attractively displayed and look quite sad with a pasar feel to it.

However all that was more than made up for by sheer presence of this Vertu shop (with no security in sight gosh) in the middle of the walkway.

I wanted to get these salt and pepper shakers but the thought of ending up with broken porcelain stopped me in my tracks.

...looked wishfully at the iconic towers....

....donkeys and camels....

Also Aladdin lamps ! Eeek !

Another reminder of just how massive, huge this airport really is popped up

Certainly didn't deter me from walking towards the end and making a U turn back at this strange pink bird house (in the middle of an airport ?)

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