Tuesday 18 December 2012

Car plows into back of garbage truck

Let the picture speak for itself.
This was the best shot I could get
29 minutes after the accident had happened.
By then the damaged vehicle had been hoisted up, waiting to be towed (thrown?) away


The whole front portion where the engine lies, was destroyed, probably a write off beyond repair.
Left tyre went in, doors....
garbage strewn all over.
Caused a 5km crawl both sides of the highway .
And yes, I'm one of those guilty of slowing down.
Not to get a number though, as I don't believe in gambling, but to get a picture.


Ezna Khalili said...

Hehe...Pls don't slow down and look Lin :-)

gostansikit said...

Can't help it, I'm like a moth drawn to a flame. Right hand on the wheel,left hand ...snap,snap,snap away with my camera. ;)
Seems cruel, but we're intrigued over what just happened and the camera, allows me to view it later.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

oh u r fast... I will not know how two things do a time. .