Monday 10 December 2012

Whine-ner or Winner ?

Is this writer a whine-ner or a winner ?

I'd say both.
Let's just say that he/she has a point.
For example he/she won't be able to grab a spot by tomorrow to join theSun Motor hunt for free .

Since it's on facebook.

But opportunity presents itself in many ways.
In the same paper that the whinner/winner's issue came out in, this was splashed out for all to see.
Diamonds yo....

Personally, I don't believe in whining.
Waste of time. Very toxic to the environment .
Earns you legions of frenemies.
Just come out of your archaicness,
invest in the new technology and don't be lazy/kedekut to learn from others.
If you're not winning, you can follow me .
Start blogging your thoughts on the world wide web.
Sponsor your own giveaways because it feels damn good to make another person happy instead of 'cheesing' them off  .


Anonymous said...

Not every whiner is a loser. Some ppl whine because they see the constant injustice in certain contest where ppl are manipulating the results.

As for the reason gvn by the writer above, I can only say, there are many more non-FB contest available. I too hv learned to migrate to FB contest and am slowly learning. However, what puts me off is how the contest mechanics hv changed from creativity, judges decision to public voting. And from public voting we can see how ppl are riding on the loopholes. Are you suggesting we close one eye or should we join them too? Mind you, I hv migrated from non-FB contest following the trend.

And if everyone keeps quiet over this issue, sooner or later we will see the death on normal contest and every entry will be decided by votes. Then it might be too late.

So, I beg to differ.

gostansikit said...

I won't go so far as to label them manipulators ( that's just mean ) just because I can't outdo/outshine them . There are still plenty of avenues out there for you to win.Unless of course, you are the type who is absolutely NOT content with winning less,because you are already used to or should I say addicted to winning /sweeping prizes with a stroke of the pen or the tap of the keyboard ? I believe whiners can turn out to be loosers because all that whining will make the organisers run the other way.To ruin the new ones chances , just because they are winning everything in sight, is plain ruthless. So what if,one day there are no more normal competitions ? Why are you so worried ? Are you so dependant on it to such an extent ? Maybe you are one of those rumoured to be earning in the region of above $ per year just doing this ? If you are then ok, I rest my case. You're pissed.You're getting less, and your lavish,jet setting lifestyle, is going to the dogs. But then again, maybe you are certainly blessed with amazing skills that can be put to better use in a wide scope of fields that CAN bring lucrative returns.Ever thought about that ? Assuming you are retired, I can understand your anxiety and concern. Well, if that's the case, and your pension is minimal,then I have no right to tell you to stop whining can I ? Much in the way that, you, shouldn't try to impose your opinion on me and make me agree with you, just because I don't see eye to eye to you on this matter.

Unknown said...

The complainant above has obviously not moving with the changing trend.

But what he didn't touch on is this. Facebook voting trend.

What is your take on this? Have you entered any contest or won any contest that is determined by the public via online voting? You have the skills in writing and have won so many big prizes. How come you can't win any contest on FB with voting as the determining factor?

What are your thoughts?

Should we just leave it as we will be whiners and losers while others manipulate the outcome with simple entries or is there something we can do to educate the ignorant organizers?

gostansikit said...

So you know a lot about me. What you should also know is that I feel very blessed and happy with what little things that come my way . But lucky people don't neccessarily translate into popular ones .And I don't like getting into alterations online over subjects that don't interest me in the least ( that's voting to you). To me it's pointless( of course,with you it's different because you are bothered by it while I'm not ).
I'm not as driven as you because I'm happy with what I have.So what if I don't get anything ? Well, maybe that's godswill.
I have no battle with those whom you call cheats, because I know my place. I'm not in their league. If you can't take it, I can't help you very much. Wrong person to come to with such a cause really. Hope that answers your question.

Unknown said...

Very well said and point taken. Just like not everyone will march on the streets to demand for a fairer and cleaner voting environment. Of course to eash of us we hv our own battles and I do see your point when you say you are felt blessed with whatever comes your way. Perhaps we all too should count our blessings.

Food for thought.