Tuesday 4 June 2013

One unhappy comper

Well, I thought I'd seen them all...but this one managed to put smile on my face just the other day.
There I was attending an intimate prize giving ceremony, not that I clinched a big one....in fact, she and I both won the same item, which cost considerably lesser than the grand prize.

However, from the way she had dressed, I initially thought she was The One who had got it. Embroidered finery on her beautiful colour coordinated ensemble. Nice bag, nice shoes,etc etc. 
I was wrong.

So what did she do to compell me to blog about her ?
She didn't take defeat too well, she didn't quietly slink away unnoticed....she aggressively stormed off ! Yes she did ! Abruptly got up , dragging an apologetic looking meek hubby and confused looking child with her .....and left with anger blazing in her eyes.
In a big huff of a great hurry outraged by the entire proceedings. Never come across such a sore loser.

It was hard for one, not to feel moved by her....er kiasu disposition...

And what did I do ? 
Well, what I usually do....try but fail to put what she just did out of my head, swallow defeat , then congratulate the winner with a smile. To me, there's just no point in getting worked up when it wasn't even meant to be mine in the first place . Everything happens for a reason and the winner probably needed it most, more than both you and me. 

Be happy for others, it's the first step to finding happiness for yourself.

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