Monday 2 September 2013

Paying it forward at Ikea

All zealots teach us is how to hate one another.
On the other hand when you experience what I did, with a Malay family while standing around like this, waiting for a table in the Ikea restaurant , you will know that there are still some of us, who will never allow hatred to stoke our mind, nor change our respect for one another .

So what happened was this, both husband and wife cleared their table for us after they had finished their meal. I mean, you know, there are workers around, and they could have left it at that. Seriously I think I'd never felt more ashamed of myself, in my life when that happened, as it never crossed my mind that I could do something as nice as that for someone else....a total and complete stranger. Why didn't I ever think of that before ?
So after we relished 2 rounds of coffee, 5 Viking sized chicken wings and a mountain of meatballs with the Swedish flag toothpicked onto the pile, we promptly paid their good deed forward.

Cleared and wiped up the mess we created on our table for whoever was going to sit in our place and walked away feeling real good about that.


Snuze said...

Good thought, Ms Goh!

gostansikit said...

It's the small little gestures that touch us the most. Thanks for dropping by.