Monday 7 October 2013

Camwhoring crab

So many things happened in Redang and this is one example

" Eh look ! There's a crab ! "
Rushed over and true enough there it was in the sand assuming this position.
Was it frightened ? Ready to attack ? Or maybe the fella is just plain curious about what we humans are up to ?

Turns out it was handicapped, one pincher, gone.
" Awwww....poor crab " I went blablabla as I excitedly pointed my camera at it.
To my utter surprise, instead of running off into a hole, it decided to camwhore for me....

Since hubs saw how much fun I was having, he too took out his camera but it scrammed away from him.

Very likely I must be radiating some form of telekenetic crab language because again it stopped scurrying and posed in from of my camera. Haha....Good crab, good crab.
Notice that the tips of its feet are a tinge of orange.

Didn't even budge when I moved the camera this close.
Such a sweet fella


Spallan said...

now that would be known as the crab stance #3, which is "cuba dekat sikit lagi, tengoook" :)

gostansikit said...

Wahahaha...tergelak pulak i baca komen ni XD. Kasi ketam cubit ngehehe