Saturday 26 October 2013

Sweet guess

There's something about Badiuzaman, a phenomenon in the comping circle.
His name is spelt with one Z not 2 Z's. The guy in the picture below, who works in Penang, is not him, just using this as an example.

Happens that a couple of days back, he held a mini contest for his facebook friends. It was so earnestly yet hilariously contested at the time (mind you , it drew almost 200 guesses )....
that when this arrived through the post today , you should have seen me grin.

As it is, Muah won it, which made the victory all the sweeter.
Yup, probably gonna get the envelope laminated since I really treasure this a lot !


wakgelas said...

ahhaa., i know 2 die-hard compers named 'Badiuzzaman' .., but ironically last month i found a letter of my neighbor got the same name inside my mailbox.. dejavu? ;-p

gostansikit said...

Huhuhu this name suddenly like very hot eh? ;P