Sunday 27 April 2014

Portukal Suyuk - sweetest orange juice ever

If my guess is right, Portukal Suyuk means Portugal orange, juiced. 
And yeah, I know, where I am. 

Did not intend to try it because you know, the oranges suppliers bring into Malaysia are almost like lottery luck. Sometimes they're so darned sour, I wonder why I evenbother to believe the sugar coated lies.

So yeah, there I was crossing the Galata Bridge so late at night till I reached the other side. It's dark, I'm pointing my camera at him but he doesn't give a damn. I mean, how can you not love this city ? So safe for us solo female travellers even when it's this dark, we can still wander around without problems.

Lots of Japanese tourists are lining up for this man's fish sandwich. He too pays no heed to muah.
He's actually quite neat and handsome which explains the merry band of oriental ladies oggling him.

Stopping for a sip more out of curiosity not to mention, the super low price, before I could ask for a glass, this sweet young gentleman addresses me as 
" Good Lady "
3 oranges go into the juicer and at first I'm thinking to myself
" gosh, no sugar "
What comes out is the sweetest , most refreshing cup of orange juice I've had in my life.
Amazing ! You should try it as it seems to be in season right now. Prices vary, depending on the cart vendors.

Location : Karakoy

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