Thursday 10 July 2014

Cute and quirky Japanese girls at Tokyo Disneyland

I met the prettiest , most regal Japanese girl right here in Tokyo Disneyland. She acted like the most wonderful , charming Disney princess with such poise as she willingly twirled and posed for my camera.Sweet little angel this. 
Can challenge Azatulsheeda's very model like daughter ,I tell you.

Needless to say that when they grow into swans, even we women can't help admiring them, with all the cutesy accessories and quirky habits thrown in.
Anyway, as I'm wondering how come we never got 
school uniforms as cool as these, take note that when teenage girls make their way into Tokyo Disneyland, part of their big fashion statement will incorporate furry animal ears

Quite a challenge to snap, cos they always seem to turn once they see you aiming.
They look like a blast straight out of the eighties.
Must be due to their penchant for buying clothes at vintage second hand shops.

Compare them to these two more radical version with um , more outstanding and er, more individualistic er, sense of fashion

I need to stress that this type of dressing is possibly considered normal here. Silly long spotted cow ears on um....busy texters

and another coordinated girl group

By the time they reach this age, they've mostly ditched the ears, preferring instead to wait in the sun just to book a spot closest to their favourite stuffed toy idol

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