Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Andaman poolside - just like a real blue lagoon

Will you take a look at the pool ? 
The colour is exactly as you see in this photo. No enhancement on my part.

Naturally, I wasted no time in jumping in. 
Ahhh.....warm water, nothing too cold that will shock the system. What I will not show you are the lounging sunbathers , to be found all over the place, swathed in position to get that perfect tan. They deserve their privacy

There's a mini jacuzzi over on this side, directly behind the medium sized kids water slide. While there's lots of squealing over there, it is easy to find a warm languid spot in which to soak or bask in the sun .
How can you not love this place ? 

Laid claim to this area ( away from the unstoppable little devils, I mean sweet little screamers). Dipped, floated , swam a little, so,so,so enjoyable .Awesome. 

" My space " viewed from another angle.

The best part is, nobody gives a damn over how much love handles you wanna show off in public. Embrace your full Hippo figure and just enjoy the spectacular pool will ya ? 

 No matter what anyone says, there will still be those who

Might be a tad self conscious. Well don't miss out, just get yourself a private pool space 
then. But then of course , you'll have to fork out more 
moolah for that purpose. 

Location : The Andaman, Langkawi

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