Saturday 11 October 2014

The Malaysian Egg Boiler

Yesterday was World Egg Day. How pointless is that ? I know.
Anyway , most Malaysians like their eggs half boiled.
But it's not easy getting the eggs just right. 
Too long , and it becomes three quarter boiled. 
Too soon and it's still raw. Thus, whoever came up with the first plastic cookware to help with the deed should really be conferred a Tan Sri-ship .

What I've got here is not the usual contraption we use.
This one's smaller and looks like a blender.
Parts can all be detached for easy washing.
You simply pour boiling water up to the desired level and wait till the water drips out to the bottom receptacle.

The Result : flawless runny whites with yellows that jiggle and threaten to burst open if you do not handle it most gingerly. Add a dash of Chinese soy sauce and Sarawakian white pepper ( nothing less ) to taste.
It's so good I seriously do not want to waste another section just to take a picture. 
Mine cost me RM7.50. Produced by Felton. Purchased at MrDIY.


ET said...

How to use as no holes in the egg container.. just a pcs of aluminium like round stuff with no holes.. I've been wondering that do we have to poke a hole then for the water to go thru?

gostansikit said...

All store bought egg boilers have 2 different holes in the main water receptacle .
The first is a platform with multiple holes all around in a uniform manner ( refer to the bottom most picture) .
The second hole is an aluminium hole that facilitates the exit of water from the main receptacle into the bottom layer .

You may try punching those holes yourself but we simply buy them off the shelves with ready punched in holes .