Wednesday 14 January 2015


Teeming with patrons and open till late, we popped in for a late night dinner. The outside is for smokers hence we were ushered inwards but heck,  they put us near a bunch of Soju guzzlers , it came to a point where the noise level became quite unbearable .

Observe the busy waitresses, most are donning   hair buns , dressed in cute uniforms. The restaurant is bustling as Korean food has really taken off here .

Me, I always hope. Hope to have a good, memorable meal. I'm picky alright. Until the all important kimchi arrives.
Meh....sweet. Why ? 

Kimchi soup. Big enough to feed 2 persons.
The vegies have been chopped and mutilated in a most unceremonious manner . There's a heck of a lot of cabbage ....of all cuts and sizes with other mysterious items even an oriental person like me cannot identify ! God damnit it looks like chop suey which is if you didn't know , is a way to minimise wastage or reuse rightfully discarded ingredients ( in this case vegies ) and conjured into a dish.
The soup base is not bad but for this price I know I really shouldn't be complaining as it's cheaper than eating Chinese . I like the soup....just hate what's inside. 

A one dish beef with more cabbage.
Not bad definitely better than BBQ King's beef hands down, anytime . While tastes more China than Korea, it is cheap and filling, so try not to complain .

Location : Dixon Street , Sydney

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