Tuesday 20 January 2015

Returning boomerang

All thanks to Henry, who sensed that some of us tourists would be going a boomerang hunting very soon , we received tips on what to look out for , in particular. 
He cautioned us against fancily decorated ones. 
Because according to him, there was a high chance we'd never get it back since it would probably get stuck up on a tree.
" You have to get a Returning Boomerang "

Looks like we managed to get the best of both worlds, functional yet decorative at the same time.


Tokyo in Pics said...

I hope you have tried throwing it Goh! Just be careful when it comes back because catching it can hurt a bit if you don't know how. And by the way, what do you call a boomerang that doesn't return?

gostansikit said...

A Stick haha....he told us that joke too . No I haven't thrown it yet but thanks for the heads up, I'll be careful.

Tokyo in Pics said...

It's an old joke, so I should have known he told you!

gostansikit said...

It may be an old joke but it worked at that time. Lol. None of us had an answer. Good way to break the ice too heh heh. He soon had us eating out of his hands lol lol