Friday 27 February 2015

What zebras signify in Thailand

This is just another square in Siam Square . There is a Thai spirit house in the direction of the arrow and it was the first time I encountered 2 large zebra statues flanking it.

Yeah , something similar to the one below  . Because it looked so funny , we giggled. Omg. Didn't know the significance at the time. Somehow I held back on snapping a picture. 

Photo credit :

If you ever come across a lot of these statues , that probably means that there is an accident hotspot just next to it. Some people who have had a brush with death , will put them there as a thank you. Others hope that they will be spared from accidents. 
The reason why the zebra is used is simple.
Zebra crossing equals safe zone. Thus if you see a few of these , they're like an insurance. A lot shows that you're  risking joining in the list of victims of a deadly stretch .

Clearly no laughing matter .

Location : Thailand

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