Wednesday 3 June 2015

The guy with the rose tatoo

It was unavoidable. By the end of every day, I just had to pop into the convenience store for a bite or a drink to take back to my room with me. 
And every evening there he was . The bouncy jet black haired semi goth,whose lower right arm was lined with tatoos . 
His startlingly penetrative eyes coupled with a decidedly bored air about him made me notice him from day one as he did me .
Yeah 2 unusual looking people in Budapest noticing each other. Nothing to it.

First day, 2nd , 3rd. On the 4th day, he'd raised his eyebrows when I again walked into the shop . Most travellers aim to stay for a day. And then they move on. Sad. You don't know what you're missing. It's a great city really. 

By day 5 , it came down to this . 

The minute I entered the store , he turned his entire focus solely on me . Very unusual. He was actually being more smiley and nice. No problem. He's just warming up to me. 
With longer eye contact and all. Body language totally towards me and me only. Coy smile. 
Oh oh ...

Very nonchalantly , I pop this question forward. 

" Is it good ? " as I hold up that box of milk above
( Whaaaatttt am I saying ? )

At this point , he's not distracted,  eye contact fully latched on but then I think he blushes for a fleeting moment ...he smiles shyly . And then he shrugs his shoulders as he tries to look nonchalant and macho at the same time while quickly regaining his composure again . 

" It's....nice "
He smiles back at me. Eyes dead on again. Oh he's working it alright. He's alive right now and those piercing eyes seem to be dancing with a determined sparkle. 

But I know where this is headed. 
" Ok ...I'll take it "
Quickly pay up. Smile. Out the door.

 No day 6.

Because if I had gone back on day 6 I am 100 percent sure he would be making another move and frankly , I don't intend to hurt him with a 
" no" or " I can't" as an answer.
I know because it has happened before and even though I tell them " I'm married "  or " I'm 43 " they turn around and tell me 
" I don't mind "

But I do.

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