Sunday 24 January 2016

Mr PERTH ! was in Pulau Tikus

Surprisingly there's not many diners at the Pasembur stall . Then we found out why . We got chopped 18 ringgit for these 2 plates ( the third is just sauce because I want it that way )
Good grief ! No squid . Just vegies and eggs only . Potong leher outright .

Anyway , come dinner , we decided to go to 7 village on Cantonment Road .
At least we know we won't be getting any nasty surprise like what happened earlier in the day .

So we're enjoying our meal when this Chinese man walks in . Orders his takeaway in Penang Hokkien . Fine. 

When he's done , he's on the phone and acting like a senior citizen by speaking at the top of his voice in that little air conditioned room . Forgiveable if he were one . However he looks younger than 50 and now , that's just plain obnoxious .

His phone call went something like this .

" Bla bla bla bla bla bla
Bla bla bla bla bla ......right now I'm not in PERTH ( long pause ) I will get back to you when I am in PERTH .

Bla bla bla bla
Bla bla bla bla bla ......heh heh heh heh.....bla bla bla....PERTH

By the time he mentioned PERTH for the 4th time , I really think his mom shouldn't have given BIRTH to him and truly wanted to take his taikortai and send it all the way to 
PERTH !!!!
( yep , on the last count , the 7th time he mentioned PERTH ! he was getting pretty frustrated that nobody in the room was paying Mr. PERTH ! any attention )

Not satisfied . He stood up . Arms akimbo . No more on the phone thank goodness . But his body lingo , he's now facing our table .
Maybe he's not used to being ignored . Or maybe he's gotten a lot of glances for his very public location reveals .
Anyway we left without making eye contact with Mr. PERTH ! but I'm pretty sure he's gonna keep on doing it .
God help you Pulau Tikus .

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