Wednesday 27 April 2016

Foursquare lol listing

I lol-ed so loud when I saw the listing below . It is in Malay with some abbreviations .

Out of curiosity , I used google translate to see what would come up and my gawd ....I did not find this funny though maybe some of you might .

Anyway , here is the meaning in a gist.
The poster is probably a policeman and the premise is probably a staff canteen in the northeastern district , as IPD stands for Police Headquarters and Timur Laut means Northeast .

 From what he has written , it means the prices are so skyhigh that he calls this place

" The Slaughterhouse Canteen which sucks your blood out with a straw "

Kah kah kah .
Good one .

Try finding more , I even found Kantin Sembelih Tekak or Cut throat Canteen on the island !

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