Tuesday 5 July 2016

USS Pampanito - Pier 45

 The USS Pampanito has sunk 6 Japanese Imperial ships in the past world war .

 While the war submarine , has today been transformed into a floating museum , most tourists will be steered towards cruises around the infamous Alcatraz instead .

For me to go exploring inside , is gonna take some manballs . I mean I won't even step foot into the one near Balik Pulau , and I don't intend to change that .
Certainly does not help ,when the engine room is said to be haunted .

At the pier itself , is a wall plague honoring the fallen .
However , I'm more taken in by the torpedo on display .

First time coming face to face with one.
Compare the size to the man next to it and the devastating destruction that this piece of metal can bring . Now feel a shudder run straight down your spine .

Guess you'll have to make do with this diagram below . 

As well as this parting shot .
Yeah , same shot as the first pic on top , I edited it for a more dramatic jeng jeng jeng effect .
Huhuhu .

Location : San Francisco 

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