Friday 7 October 2016

You made this happen

Dear readers and people who constantly drop by .
You .
Yes you made this happen .
This photo was taken at a newspaper headquarters in the capital city which saw me rubbing shoulders with the who's who , who was in attendance . And I was there because ....well read on .

Because I keep a blog as a hobby as opposed to a profession , when I see a gem , I want to show it to you .

This is my channel . You out there , you are my inspiration that breathes fire into my life .
 This is me however genuine or unbelievable a package I may come off as to you. It's still who I am . 
I know some may just skim through and not take me seriously but some of you actually believe in what I do and put out there on the net .
I love how I'm not tied by any rules and I can break any if I want to . While this platform affords me total freedom , I do practise self censorship and am guilty at times of curbing my ownself in accordance to when I feel that is warranted .

This month alone , one post got shared 1000 times on a local radio station's facebook page . Fantastic .

Then I submitted this picture of that makcik with the big joran in Kuala Perlis 

And the next thing you know , I'm about to be given the biggest pre birthday and Christmas present ever !

For that ,I want to personally thank you for spurring me into making the cut .

To those of you who think nobody is reading ....
( cos it shows just 345, 141 readers over a period of 4 years on the stats board ) Google+ platform shows 1.9 million views .
With no advertisement . No collabs whatsoever . Just the via the grapevine . And you of course .
You tell me if that is amazing or not .

Once again thank you .
Wait for the full follow up article in The Star newspaper later in the month  , the paper I have an actual daily subscription to delivered to my front door daily .

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