Monday 9 January 2017

Zeppelinfeld - the Nazi Party Rally grounds and Hitler's podium

As the tour bus pulled closer , I had to rub my eyes . Blinked one time and this was still there .
Looks like the Coliseum eh ? 
Nope , we're in Nuremberg , and this is the Kongresshalle 

And then we got off the bus and started walking towards this structure . The entire area is known as the Zeppelinfeld because the field was the first site where a Zeppelin landed .

It was a very cold day here but we had a little sun and therefore some pics turned out pretty dramatic as you will see later on .

See the group of people gathered in the jutting platform ? That's the podium where Hitler used to give speeches during massive annual Nazi rallies . He was an excellent orator and it was with the power of his speeches that he managed to convince the masses and catapult to power . One hundred thousand people lost their lives during the construction of the Zeppelinfeld just so the Führer could have the perfect stage as a jewel showcase for his cause .

Built to resemble a Pergamon Greek altar , the stand could sit up to 50,000 Nazi elits and invited guests .
It was built to intimidate and even in this state , I did tremble a bit mind you  . 

DO NOT however , ever during the time you are in Germany , even think of recreating a Nazi salute while taking a picture . 
You can get arrested for that
This is an EXTREMELY sensitive issue the Germans are still trying to deal with so don't go provoking or you will get yourself into big , big , big trouble .

Below him was his army all gathered in the field . 
Doesn't look very big but it was designed to contain some 200,000 soldiers , as well as performers .

Felt kinda eerie with a really awful vibe , thus I was more cautious and aware of my surroundings lest there be any hantu around .

As it is , one in our group rolled off a step and got a deep gash on her knee , so you have to be really careful especially if you are travelling with easily excitable seniors or teens who might get reckless since they want to rush up to the podium as fast as possible . Some stone slabs are crumbling and unstable .

Nearer to the Kongresshalle is this lake . No idea why it is dry now .
There was a mobile loo beside it which no one could get to operate thus we all had to hold our pee in .
No , I'm not trying to be funny or disrespectful but even the guide could not get the door to open . 

The irony of which was not lost on me was the fact that these structures were all toilet bunkers that served Hitler's men . None of which could be used but even if it were working , I'd rather hold it in than step in because I'm such a scaredy cat ,  in case you didn't know that already .
With the towers lit up at night , these toilet bunkers also served in illluminating the field .

Why you must visit this place : some Germans are debating whether to demolish it or not . Also , the stands are decaying and crumbling , not maintained , just left to rot . Could be one day made of limits so do go, while you still can .

Location : Nuremberg , Germany 

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