Monday 12 June 2017

Icing on my cendol cake

While walking along Gurney Drive this afternoon , there were these 2 mamat motors sitting there .
It's ramadhan and the muslims are fasting , and some of them choose to sit in shady or cool areas for a while , to take their mind off food , since they are not allowed to eat till dusk .

So happens that there are a lot of tourists in this area and they must have thought I was one too because one of the men started nudging his friend as he said ....

" muka lawar , muka lawar " to alert him .
While I found that amusing , I kept a straight face at first . 

Not that the cendol above was any good ( I seriously do not recommend it cos it was awful ) but I'm gonna take what they said as a compliment .
As you know , the cendol is made of shaved iced , which though initially has shape , will collapse eventually . In a way it is nice to be appreciated by strangers . To be eye candy at my age , before gravity ravages my youth , makes my feathers fluff up very high indeed . Well excuseee me if you may . Can't help it . 

Mekaseh bang , you made my day .

Location : Penang 

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