We learn a new thing every single day don't we ?
This jacket below is called a Shacket .
Yup .
S-H-A-C-K-E-T .
Why ?
Because it's a cross between a shirt and a jacket ( rolls eyes ) .
Say you decide to get one too , you can either go oversized ( which I think makes me look huger than I already am ) or go for a closer fit , which suits me .
Actually , the shacket's got a longer name ....
it's called the Jaxon Fashion Shacket .
Mai gawds . Like those cat names you see in cat competitions , such as Princess Coriander Imperial Abracadabra or something similar ...
From "semua koyak" ripped fashion , the fashion houses have now decided that one up , one down ( see pic below ) is the way to go . When all this dies down , I will probably chop the back off and get it resewn again .
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Photo credit : Shopper Board |
Wondering if these camouflage tights will go with that shacket above . Yup , I finally have one activewear set . The sports bra is in another backpost .
Here's the matching jacket .
Wore it into a camouflage shop and the lady owner got all excited , she asked me where I got it from and then started getting very chatty with me :D
Nah....I don't think this is a silly jacket though . It just makes camouflage shop owners go a bit silly hehe .
Now here's the other silly jacket .
Called the Kylie Off Shoulder Japanese Bomber jacket .
Wow such a mouthful .
Those tigers remind me of the Tiger Balm product though lolz .
Why do I call them silly and yet buy them ? Cos I like silly . Silly . But I probably won't wear it this way due to my age . I'll do it some other way , just haven't figured out how yet .
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Photo credit : cottonon.com/SG |
Think I could pair it with this Sea Baxter Strapless Jumpsuit which looks very 70ish . Love the pants which has gathers at the bottom like what you find on harem pants . I do have a pair of harem pants from Pakistan which I love like crazy but the material smells really odd , still when those first arrived ( that stall had a dressing room ) they were snapped up faster than hot potatoes !
Anyway , coming to this pair , this design is still so classic and so hot , that this was the absolute last pair standing in the store !
Some designs just never die off eh ? Small talk with the cashier revealed that they had only brought in 4 or 5 pieces ( she couldn't recall the exact figure ) so , this is one classic piece which will always stand out just like harem pants .
You can actually get copies or similar jumpsuits from one of the many bangla operator clothes stores in Penang , but I never buy from them because I always need to try them on first and most times , that's not possible because there are simply no dressing rooms available since they are temporary stalls .
Photo credit : Shopper Board
While lining up to pay for my purchases , I came across 2 Iranian ladies who just went craaaaazzzyy over their summer dresses that they snapped up around 5 pieces each .
We got talking because I had to help them solve a small misunderstanding involving an asrama girl who insisted on paying for her purchases before them . She could not speak English and the cashier seemed to struggle with translating what she had just said .
Yeah , I told them how I'd seen many of their countrywomen go nuts over the tight jeans sold in small stalls all over Penang and one of them went wide eyed and instantly regretted just having one day to spend here .
Yes , anyone who comes here knows how damn easy it is to get fashionably gaudy to elegant stuff at super crazy low prices .
Now if you ever intend to come to Malaysia one day , make sure you dedicate one week if you're in KL , or 3 days for Penang , just to hunt for fashion items , as we do have clothes in your sizes compared to Bangkok where only the petite and very slim ladies will have a field day . Larger , fuller figured ladies and girls can find some pretty awesome stuff here .
Take this big gurl's word for it .
Location : Penang
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