It's only my second time purchasing an item via the social media from a private seller and it was quite an experience for me as I can't find this particular bag on the island . After comparing prices , I went for the person offering the lowest price , confirmed my order , paid up and waited for it to arrive .
That's me with no makeup and a crooked smile . If I look as if I'm promoting this , well , I support our local sellers all the way and especially appreciate it if they willingly settle for a lower profit margin , so I'll gladly help them out in my own way .
Seller is
who doing this on a part time basis with no helper so do have a bit of patience if you order from her ok ?
Don't forget the underscore at the end when you search via instagram for the seller .
That's me with no makeup and a crooked smile . If I look as if I'm promoting this , well , I support our local sellers all the way and especially appreciate it if they willingly settle for a lower profit margin , so I'll gladly help them out in my own way .
Seller is
who doing this on a part time basis with no helper so do have a bit of patience if you order from her ok ?
Don't forget the underscore at the end when you search via instagram for the seller .