Showing posts with label Helichrysum Bractaetum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helichrysum Bractaetum. Show all posts

Friday, 16 August 2013

An Everlasting bouquet of lovelies for $6 !

Was absolutely delighted to see these on sale. The petals feel like soft, ticklish straw and they smell absolutely ...I don't know...addictive ? Take a deep breath and say
" Good morning angels !"

While most Malaysians recognise this highland flower as the Everlasting Flower, let me bore you with a little detail on it's scientific name. Helichrysum Bracteatum is coined from the Greek words helios which means the sun and chrysos for gold because these flowers actually love heat and light.
Let me give you a demo. Before I purchased these sleepyheads below , I asked the stallowner why the buds were so tightly closed . She told me to wait till it gets warmer and hotter and these little sweethearts will open up before your eyes !