Showing posts with label Cameron Highlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cameron Highlands. Show all posts

Friday 16 August 2013

An Everlasting bouquet of lovelies for $6 !

Was absolutely delighted to see these on sale. The petals feel like soft, ticklish straw and they smell absolutely ...I don't know...addictive ? Take a deep breath and say
" Good morning angels !"

While most Malaysians recognise this highland flower as the Everlasting Flower, let me bore you with a little detail on it's scientific name. Helichrysum Bracteatum is coined from the Greek words helios which means the sun and chrysos for gold because these flowers actually love heat and light.
Let me give you a demo. Before I purchased these sleepyheads below , I asked the stallowner why the buds were so tightly closed . She told me to wait till it gets warmer and hotter and these little sweethearts will open up before your eyes !

Strawberry heaven - Cameron Highlands

Cameron Highlands is a strawberry lovers heaven.  You can pay as you pick at farms or even purchase cordial juices by the bottle. Heck, they even have tacky related merchandise like pillows and aprons, as souvenirs for you to take home.

Bargain hunters like me,  on the other hand, can spend hours just trawling the area for the best deals. Fresh arrivals look like this when they first arrive at your chosen stall. Tell me how anyone cannot be tempted to sink their teeth into some ?

Lavender Garden - not Lavandula, but Mona

If you think that by coming here, you're gonna be standing in a sea of fragrant lavender flowers , as if you were in the middle of a field in Hokkaido or Southern France, then you are sadly mistaken.

Because the species they plant here is known as the Mona Lavender ( aka Swedish Ivy ) from the Plectranthus family.
No doubt, the colour is very brilliant and as such, it presents a good "make believe " photo op.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

BOH Sungai Palas Tea Centre

Had initially intended, to go check out the Mossy Forest but the colonial era road just made my knees buckle. One slip and we were goners . So down, we trundled towards the tea plantation, not expecting much. Took some pics amongst the beautiful flowering trees and tea shrubs and entertained thoughts of turning back, until these kids make their way past , like they'd just had the time of their lives.

Curious, we followed the road till we came to a grit covered carpark .Heck, I'd seen this place before on a blog. Can't remember which blog by which blogger, but there it was right before my eyes ! It's amazing !
The weather was fine, so let's take the tea pickers trail upwards !

Monday 12 August 2013

Strawberry View Steamboat - Kea Farm, Cameron Highlands

There's a photo of Chef Wan , at the main entrance of this restaurant. Judging from the sweater that he's wearing , it must have been ages ago and while the place is rather worn and tired, who cares, it IS cold in Cameron let's huddle round and eat !

At RM $18 per head , the portions here are sooooo much more cheaper compared to what we get in Penang ( oh yes, lotsa Penang plates to be found up here ) . Needless to mention, the other thing that sets it apart, is the farm fresh produce. However, since it's super peak season, one is left with no other choice but the set menu. No changing or swapping one ingredient for something else.