Showing posts with label Superchampz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Superchampz. Show all posts

Monday 3 August 2015

Superchampz - a short parent report

That I am parent to a most negative teen is not something I wear as a badge of honour. 
In fact , I do not even know if I should tear my hair out as the once upon a time sweet angel erupts ever so often out of sheer stress.
Thought long and hard about it ah , but it took a post on facebook that said 
" Free Seminar " for me to sign up without blinking or even thinking.
Honestly , I did not know what to expect. What I did have was a little tiny window of hope. 
I googled , found a video and liked what I saw.

However, the protests began. Followed by the furrowed brows and indignant response to having a leisurely Sunday doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING disrupted. 
" You are going to attend this. If you do not go ......"
Yes you see , it has boiled down to this.
This normally non Tigerish mum to a Lion cub turned into something else today.
Good , cub guard is down or so I thought. But just to be sure I asked , no , I stated in no uncertain terms that I expected the cub to be on the best behaviour today or elseeeeee. I will turn into a Pontianak just you wait and see. 
We walked past this banner without incident.