Showing posts with label despicable behaviour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label despicable behaviour. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Walking glass shell

We were on our a group outing at the night market when the prettiest girl among us , suddenly yelled .
Furious that the old Chinese man had grabbed her twin peaks from the front she openly scolded him while he just grinned back like it was a cheap thrill to him .

None of us knew how to respond at the time . The tall Indian girl consoled her visibly shaken and totally disgusted self , as the pervert cooly made his way out of the maze of people . All we could do was stare in a confused state at the perpetrator .

But ever since that day , I've been more cautious especially when in a crowd . If there is any man whom I do not know , coming towards me in a public space , I will automatically jut my elbow out at an angle to create a barrier space .