Saturday 22 October 2016

KSB Cahaya New Abu - finally , some real mamak food

You have absolutely no idea how difficult it is to find a good mamak stall selling yummy roti canai , mee goreng and maggi sup , at night , in Georgetown these days .

 A lot of the former haunts now rely on factory produced roti canai dough which tastes really awful and the cooks under their employment have tastebuds that are world's apart from us regular Malaysians hence the decline in orders , when it comes to those 3 dishes .

Until you swing into Macalister Lane .
It's close to 11 pm but this quiet lane is filled with hungry owls  .
A scene that is increasingly rare nowadays . 

Waaaaaaa.....will you take a look at the beaming crowd ?


  2 million views on Google+ ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls .

Friday 21 October 2016

Kellogg's Cornflakes - 110th Anniversary heritage tin

Isn't 2016 turning out to be a bumper year for the tin collector ?

Released just in time for Deepavali , there are a total of 4 designs for you to drop your saliva into your big mixing bowl over ! 
Your amma or pati will love you to death if you get this for them with your pocket money haha . And then they'd shower all the guests with get extra murukku and more mutton curry than you can eat . Yay ! Win win for everyone .

First up .

Boy and his pet doggie having fun together . Oooo ....whooshhhh . Hold on tight .
If you don't mind me saying , that's a pretty updated hairstyle for a boy from the golden age . 

Thursday 20 October 2016


This notebook was sitting pretty on a shelf just now .
It turned me into one of those annoying morons who like to read the obvious out loud 
( poor staff behind the register , wonder how many times a day she comes across peeps like muah ? Awwww too bad , I just got to read it out loud )

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Pink is to Candy

She is nothing like you have ever seen before . The mere mention of her name will elicit an immediate sort of response from those involved in the West Coast tourism industry . Everyone knows who she is . 

Except me at the time .

Honestly , I was so shocked when I first met her . From the hair to her choice of togs ( at her age ! ) to her flower petalled clogs and her bag , plus her nail colour oh wow .... I was really in a daze even though I myself like the colour Pink and Hello Kitty stuff .