Showing posts with label muah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muah. Show all posts

Thursday 20 October 2016


This notebook was sitting pretty on a shelf just now .
It turned me into one of those annoying morons who like to read the obvious out loud 
( poor staff behind the register , wonder how many times a day she comes across peeps like muah ? Awwww too bad , I just got to read it out loud )

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Obviously ageing chow list

Hi . It's me .
While I'm obviously ageing * , some of you might want to scrutinise the list of foods in my diet because you know people who age even faster than me and you want to avoid that .

~ Cough . Cough . Ehem . Ehem ~

Anyway , even if you look like hell ran over you right now , it can be reversed . I've seen it happen to a stroke victim . Ten years later plus a lot of karaoke , dancing , travelling and food enjoyment , made her look 20 years younger , from when I last saw her .
So think positive. It's never too late !

Sunday 15 December 2013

Meowzy caturday

One reason why I don't post up much pictures of myself is that most times they just turn out horribly wrong, seeing how I'm totally not photogenic, on the plus size, on top of being a complete klutz at posing.

But yesterday , was such a sunny day, and you know, I'm not getting younger, so let's do this ! Let's snap some 'tos that will serve as my 'when-i-was-young' grandmother stories ( if I ever get there that is ) that I can bore young people with .